Your Mama jokes!
*Yo mama's so fat, when she stepped on the dog's tail we had to change his name to Beaver.
*Yo mama's so fat, when the cops see her on a street corner they yell, "Hey you guys, break it up!"
*Yo mama's so fat, even Richard Simmons laughs at her!
*Yo daddy is so bald, when he wears a turtleneck he looks like a broken condom.
*Yo mama's so fat she makes Godzilla look like an action figure.
*Yo mama is so bald I can see what she's thinking.
*Yo mama is so dirty she has to creep up on the bathwater.
*Yo' mama like a Big Mac -- full of fat and only worth a buck!
*Yo' mama's lips so big, she can whisper in her own ear
*Yo' mama so dumb, she waited at a STOP sign until it said GO!
*Yo mama's so big, fat and clumsy, when she tried to get to Tesco, she stumbled over Sainsburys and landed right on Target.
*Your mama cooks so bad, your family prays after they eat!
*What is the difference between yo' mama and a winding road? The winding road has curves you can get used to!
*Yo mama is so ugly that when she worked at the bakery they dipped her face in the batter to make animal cookies.
*Yo' mama's breath is so nasty, when she burps her teeth have to duck.
*Yo' mama's breath stinks so bad, people look forward to her farts!
*Yo mama's feet are so scaly that they filmed Crocodile Dundee in her footbath.
*Yo mama's so dirty, plants grow off her ass.
*Yo mama's glasses are so thick that when she looks on a map, she sees people waving.
*Yo mama's so fat, when she farted pluto's ice caps melted.
*Yo Mama's so ugly, she had to trick-or-treat over the phone.
*Yo mama's house is so small, I threw a rock in the window and hit everyone inside.
*Yo mama's house is so dusty the roaches ride around in dune buggies.
*Yo mama is like a brick -- she is always getting laid.
*Yo Mama's breath is so bad, she could clear a chat room.
*Yo Mama is so poor, she told your little siser that Santa Claus was dead.
*Yo' mama so dumb, that the Psychic Friends only charge her half price to read her mind!
*Yo' mama got such bad dandruff, the principal declared a snow day!
*Yo mama's so bald that when you rub her head you can see into the future.
*Yo mama is so bald that when she takes a shower she gets brainwashed
*Yo' mama so dumb, she thought an elevator was a mobile home!
*Yo mama's so dirty, the U.S. Army wants to use her bath water as a biological weapon.
*Yo' mama so dumb, she failed a pregnancy test!
*Yo mama's so dumb, she thought masturbation was a karate teacher.
*Yo' mama so dumb, she bought a solar powered torch
*Yo mama's so dumb she sat on the TV and watched the couch
*Yo mama's so dumb, when god was giving out brains she thought they were milkshakes and asked for extra thick.
*Yo mama's so dumb, she stuck the phone up her ass and thought she was makin' a booty call.
*Yo Mama's so dumb, she went to a movie that said ''under 18 not admitted,'' so she left to go get 17 of her friends
*Yo mama is so dumb that she was on her way to the airport and saw a sign that said “airport left.†So she turned around and went home.
*Yo mama is so dumb she stuck a battery up her butt and said, "I got energy!"
*'Your mama is so dumb, she sold her car for petrol money!
*Your mama is so dumb when she was pulled over for drunk driving and they asked her to walked the line she said, ''Which one?''
*Yo mama's so dumb, she tried to drown her pet fish.
*Yo' mama so dumb, when she filled out her job application and it said ‘sex,’ she wrote “not lately.â€Â
*Yo mama is so dumb that she got locked in the bathroom and peed her pants.
*Yo mama so stupid, when you were born she saw the umbilical cord and said, “Hey it comes with cable!â€Â
*Yo' mama so fat, the tag on her dress reads: "Made In Hungary, Turkey, China, U.S.A., Algeria, Japan, Indonesia..."
*Yo' mama so fat, when she goes to a stadium, she sits next to everybody!
*Yo' mama so fat, she falls out of bed on both sides!
*Yo' mama so fat, she has to make a long distance call to talk to herself!
*Yo' mama so fat, all the restaurants have signs that say "Max. Occupancy 240 OR Yo' Mama."
*Yo' mama so fat, they showed her a picture of her feet and she couldn't identify them!
*Yo mama is so fat, when you slap her leg, you can ride the waves.
*Your mama is so fat that I ran around her 10 times and still couldnt find the front of her
*Yo' mama so fat, that when she wears a yellow rain jacket, people think she's a taxi cab.
*Yo' mama so fat, she can stand over the homeless and give them a home!
*Yo' mama so fat, she has to play pool with the planets!
edited by Minesh T( see maker page)!
Scoll down for Bin Laden jokes !
Bin Laden jokes!
*George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden are having a conversation via Al Jazeera television. Bin Laden tells George Bush, "There is no point of engaging in further war. I can see total peace in the future!"
George Bush replies, "Oh yeah and tell me what you see?"
Osama answers, "I can see New York, with new great buildings on one side and beautiful new buildings on the other side, and everything is peaceful and wonderful."
George Bush says, "Wow is that what you see? Well I'll tell ya what I see for the future of Afghanistan... I see a house here, a house there, a small building here and small building there, but there are signs hanging in the middle of the street."
Osama asks, "And what do they say?"
George answers, "Hell, I don't know. I can't read Hebrew!"
*Why doesn't Osama bin Laden have sex with his five wives?
Because every time he spreads their legs he sees Bush.
*What's the national bird of Afghanistan?
*How do you stop a Taliban tank?
Shoot the guy pushing it!
*What do bin Laden and Fred Flintstone have in common?
They both look out of their caves and see Rubble.
edited by Minesh T aka The Outsider( see The Outsider page)!