The Rock is 7 time wwe champion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WWE Smackdown report - july 26
Before the show officially begins, we see a pre-recorded segment with Stephanie McMahon who welcomes us to the first Smackdown! show that she is controlling. Stephanie goes through some things that will happen tonight, including the Chris Jericho/Edge match as well as Rey Mysterio's debut.
Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry
- Before the match starts, Tazz and Michael Cole talk about Stephanie stealing Brock Lesnar from Raw. The two men engage in a arm an collar lockup and Henry shows off his strength by shoving Angle to the ground. Another lockup, except this time Angle tries to suplex Henry to no avail before running into a bodyslam. Another lockup, but this time Angle takes Henry down but Henry just picks Kurt up and places him on the top turnbuckle. Low blow by Angle followed by some punches, but Henry elbows Angle and then gorilla presses him before slamming him to the mat. Henry attempts a charge, but misses so Angle belly-to-back suplexes him and goes for the cover, but Henry kicks out. Angle punches away on Henry but gets flattened with two clotheslines before Henry once again screws up a charge. Angle can't capitalize though and walks right into another Henry powerslam after which Mark splashes him into the corner. From behind, Brock Lesnar comes in and attacks Henry, giving him the F-5 before walking away with Paul Heyman. Angle has a disgusted look on his face and follows the two into the back. Winner via DQ: Mark Henry.
- Backstage, we see Angle confront Brock Lesnar about his interference. Lesnar tells Kurt to relax. He thought Angle was in trouble so he figured he'd help him out. Angle asks him who the hell he thinks he is so Lesnar responds by saying that he's the guy who will fight Rock at Summerslam. He had hoped to face Angle but Kurt blew it; maybe it's because he can't handle the pressure of being the #1 guy. Brock tells Kurt that his reign as Smackdown's #1 wrestler is over and with that, Angle storms off.
- Backstage, Stacy Keibler walks into Stephanie's dressing room while Steph was on the phone. Stacy says that last week Vince told her that she would not need her services anymore but if Stephanie herself needs anything, just ask. There is a knock on the door so Steph asks her to start by answering the door. Stacy comes back with some roses and hands them to Steph but asks her who it's from. Stephanie tells Stacy to read it herself and she does and it ends up being from Eric Bischoff. Stephanie gets upset and throws the flowers against the wall.
Reverend D-Von vs. Big Valbowski
- Valbowski is accompanied by Hardcore Holly while Batista is at D-Von's side as usual. Valbowski starts off aggressively with punches, chops, elbows, you name it. Bodyslam by Valbowski and a knee to the sternum but D-Von kicks out at two. Not long after that, Valbowski clotheslines D-Von outside of the ring, but they had back in without doing anything where D-Von gains the upperhand with shots to the back. D-Von continues to work away on Valbowski with a bodyslam but he heads to the top and misses an elbow, allowing Valbowski to mount a comeback. Back bodydrop by Valbowski leads into the fisherman's suplex but Batista interferes, drawing Holly into the mess as well. Inside the ring, Valbowski hits a powerbomb on D-Von and picks up the win. Winner: Big Valbowski.
- After the match as Valbowski celebrates, Batista attacks him. Holly tries to come in for the save, but Batista gives him a spinebuster and then leaves with D-Von.
- Backstage, Stacy Keibler tells four security guards that if anything suspicious goes on to contact Stephanie's office immediately. Stacy spots Edge and tells the guards to go stop him and they run off. Stacy calls Steph on a cell phone and says that Eric Bischoff may be in contact with Edge about going to Raw.
- Backstage, Christian and Lance Storm talk about their title win at Vengeance. They did it the un-American way - by hard work and by earning it. Storm says today they have to make a statement against Rock and Hogan. Christian says that Hogan is a real American - lazy, stupid and ignorant and he thinks the entire world revolves around him. Storm says that he thinks they will remain tag team champions for a very long time.
- Backstage, Edge is surrounded by the security guards who say that they can't let him leave. Stephanie approaches and apologizes for the security guards and asks him if he's going to Raw, he hasn't even talked to him yet. Edge assures her that he is Smackdown! for life and then leads her to the production truck. They stick in a tape that shows the countout for the rest of the show and Edge says that before the show ends, he will get Chris Jericho inside a steel cage where he will beat his ass.
- Backstage, Mark Loyd tries to get a word with Kurt Angle, but he's on the phone with "Eric" so the speculation begins.
Rikishi vs. Albert
- Albert brawls away to start, kicking on Rikishi and knocking him down in the corner. He then splashes him in the corner and then does it again except this time with more speed. Albert misses a clothesline allowing Rikishi a glimmer of hope, but then he capitalizes on another clothesline. Albert heads to the second rope and hits a swinging splash (ala the Vader Bomb) but can only get a two count. Albert gets preoccupied with the referee, allowing Rikishi to come flying back with a Samoan drop and a butt splash against the corner. Albert falls and Rikishi does the Stink Face before hitting a kick and then the Rikishi butt splash from the middle ropes for the pinfall win. Winner: Rikishi.
- As Rikishi leaves the ring, he stops at the top of the ramp and dances for the fans, complete with pyro.
- Backstage, Mark Loyd tells Stephanie about Kurt Angle talking to Eric. Stephanie looks panicky and calls Angle but can only leave a voice mail. Stephanie basically tells him that he's the leader of the Smackdown! roster and how she's a better GM, etc. etc. She asks him to call her back when he getst he message.
- They show another Rey Mysterio promo and say that he will debut later tonight.
Lance Storm & Christian vs. Hollywood Hogan & Rock (Tag Title Match)
- Test accompanies the tag team champions for their title defense. After what seems like an eternity, Storm and Hogan start the match off amidst chants of USA. Hogan pushes Storm to the corner and poses but Storm doesn't get intimidated and gets the upperhand with some punches and a clothesline. Hogan bounces up thought and responds with right hands of his own before dropping Storm with a clothesline and sending him to the Rock who punches him back to Hogan. Tag to Rock who continues the assault on Storm with more punches and suplex, but Storm breaks the momentum with a chin breaker. Tag to Christian who comes in and doesn't fare very well against the Rock. Irish whip and inteference by Storm allows Christian to hit a spinning heel kick which leads to a two count. Tag back to Storm who chokes Rock against the ropes with his boot. Rock fights it off thought, hitting all three Anti-American members, including Storm with a spinebuster which set up for the People's Elbow. However, as he swings off the ropes, Test holds it down and Rock bounces to the outside where Christian shoves him back. Storm tries to get a quick pin but Rock kicks out before three. Tag back to Christian who kicks on a fallen Rock before choking him on the mat. Cover but another kickout. The resilient Rock fights back again, hitting a swinging neckbreaker only to meet up with more interference from Test, who pulls him out and drops him on the announce table. They shoot Rock back into the ring, where Christian goes for another cover, but once again Rock kicks out. Storm tries the same but gets an identical result. Punches by Storm, but Rock blocks one of them and charges out with punches of his own. Rock's Rock Bottom is countered and Storm hits a superkick but Hogan breaks up the count. Hogan goes after Test on the outside but Rock tries to tag out at the same time and no one's there. DDT by Rock on Storm and he goes for another tag but this time Hogan is back in the corner. Hogan comes in and takes out both Storm and Christian repeatedly. He misses a big boot on Christian though and gets hit with a double suplex, prompting Rock to come in and hit the Rock Bottom on Storm. Rock sends Test outside where he follows him while in the ring, Christian hits a reverse DDT on Hogan, who then proceeds to "hulk up". Big boot to Christian and a legdrop, but once again Brock Lesnar interferes by attacking Hogan and putting him into the F-5. Winners via DQ: Rock & Hogan.
- After the match, Rock spots Lesnar and Heyman walking away and becomes furious but Brock motions for the belt across his waist before walking to the back.
- Backstage, Brock Lesnar approaches a white limo and wants to get in. The attendant says that it's Hulk Hogan's car so Brock threatens him and says that if he doesn't open the door, he'll beat him up. The attendent listens and drives away with Heyman and Brock.
- Backstage, John Cena is asked about his upcoming match against Test. Cena says that Canadian's get free health care, but looking at Test, it's obvious that they don't have dental care. He proceeds to make fun of Test's teeth calling him a Canadian woodchuck before Test comes in and slaps Cena saying that's just another punk.
- Backstage, Stephanie McMahon approaches Chris Jericho. She says he's one of the biggest superstars on Smackdown! and wants to know if he's happy being on Smackdown!. Jericho says he is happy and tonight he will beat Edge and leave him in a pool of his own blood.
- Backstage, we see Rey Mysterio get ready for his debut by fixing his mask. Apparently they are not including the "Jr." tag but whatever.
Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio
- Mysterio comes out to a great ovation and poses for the crowd a bit before beginning the match. Chavo with a front headlock into a takedown, but Mysterio quickly takes control with some reversals into a hurricanrana. Mysterio with another move that I didn't catch the name of, but Chavo responds by throwing Mysterio across the ring before suplexing him across the top rope. Chavo continues to work away on Mysterio in the corner before pulling him into the middle of the ring and putting on an abdonimal stretch. Mysterio tries a cross body from the top but Guerrero counters it with a dropkick before sending Mysterio across the ring apron and onto the outside. Chavo follows him outside and sends him back in before pressing him and dropping Mysterio across his knees. Irish whip but Mysterio kicks Chavo away and baseball slides him to the outside, following him there with a corkscrew. Mysterio then signals to go to the top but Chavo catches him there, but Mysterio fights him off. Chavo hits his a Gori Special but Mysterio kicks out so Chavo resorts to some punches and an a whip to one of the corners where he runs into a boot and a drop toe hold. Finally, Mysterio hits a springboard hurricanrana from the top ropes and hooks Chavo's legs for the victory. Winner: Rey Mysterio.
- Backstage, an angry Test runs into Rey Mysterio, who is emerging from another room. As Mysterio turns his back into him and walks away, Test attacks him and throws him against the wall telling him to go back to kindergarten.
Test vs. John Cena
- Test attacks Cena to start the match, aggressively hitting him with a barrage of kicks and elbows. Test then hurls Cena over the top rope and to the outside, before shoving the referee. But as he turns around, Cena hits him with a dropkick but Test ends up reversing a whip and clotheslining Cena to the mat. Bodyslam by Test, but he misses an elbow allowing Cena to nail him with a couple forearms, but Test follows it up with a knee to the knee. After a brief scuffle, Cena hits Test with a DDT allowing him some time to recover. Test charges at him but misses so Cena capitalizes with some clotheslines and a splash in the corner. Test tries for the pump handle slam but Cena counters it into a back suplex into a powerbomb but Test kicks out. Test tries the pump handle slam again, but this time he hits except Cena kicks out. As Test argues with the ref, Cena rolls up Test, but can only get a two. Test tries a powerbomb, but Cena counters it and pins Test. Winner: John Cena.
- Backstage, Stacy and Stephanie continue to try and contact Kurt Angle. Steph says she's getting a bit frustrated and at least Brock Lesnar had the common courtesy to tell Heyman to his face that he was leaving Raw. So regardless of his decision, she demands Angle come back to the arena and tell his decision to her face.
Edge vs. Chris Jericho (Steel Cage Match)
- They cut to a commercial break and when we come back the match has already started...hmmm okay. Jericho tries to escape from the door, but Edge catches him and pulls him back. Jericho works away on Edge in one of the corners with some right hands and kicks but Edge comes flying out after being Irish whipped with a clothesline. Chops by Edge but Jericho gets away and quickly tries to climb over the top but Edge catches him once again. Jericho kicks him away but Edge grabs him by the tights and drops him all the way down to the mat. Jericho tries a back body drop but Edge counters it by kicking Jericho in the test, pushing Jericho back into the ropes where he gets tied up. Edge follows it up with a spear and then tries again, but Jericho gets out and Edge goes flying into the cage. Jericho throws Edge around for a bit, cutting him open on the forehead so Jericho forces Edge's head further into the steel. Jericho goes for the pin but Edge gets his shoulder up before three. Jericho whips Edge from one side to the other and then catches him in a neckbreaker. Jericho then ties up Edge in the ropes and punches away on his vulnerable opponent, but he makes a mistake by swinging from the opposite, allowing Edge to get out and causing himself to go flying into the steel like Edge did a few minutes ago. Edge capitalizes and fights back, at oine pointing actually attempting to climb over to the other side, but Jericho catches him halfway and tries to suplex him but Edge counters it. Cover by Edge, but Jericho kicks out. Soon thereafter, Jericho tries the Walls of Jericho but he can't turn him over so he changes his mind and slingshots Edge into the steel instead. Jericho tries to slip out of the open door but Edge desperately lunges at him and grabs his legs. Jericho ends up getting a steel chair while all this is happening and flattens Edge with a thud across the head. Cover but another kickout by Edge so Jericho tries it again but gets the same result. Jericho measures him for another chairshot, but Edge ducks and hits him with the spear instead. Edge makes for the top, but Jericho gets up and grabs him and bulldogs him from the top, once again knocking both men out. Jericho gets up first and makes his way up the cage. He reaches the top and kinda just rests there and Edge of course gets up and catches him...see this is what I hate about cage matches. Anyway, Edge puts Jericho on his shoulders and falls backwards so they're both down again. Finally, they both get up, Edge takes the over the top route while Jericho goes for the door but Edge falls to the ground and wins the match. Winner: Edge.
- After the match, Test, Christian and Lance Storm come down and beat Edge up. Jericho joins them and all four men assault Edge until John Cena comes down for the save. However, it's too much so Rey Mysterio comes down, climbs to the top of the cage and high cross body Christian. Then both he and Cena dropkick Test and take out Lance Storm while Jericho takes off over the top. Edge, Mysterio and Cena are left in the ring to celebrate.
- Backstage, Stephanie and Kidman watch the match and comment on how incredible it is when Stacy Keibler runs in to tell Stephanie that Eric Bischoff is in the parking lot. Stephanie storms to the parking lot and tells Bischoff to get the hell out of the parking lot. She tries to open the locked door when Bischoff pops up from the sunroof. Bischoff says it's good to see her again and asks her if she got his flowers. Bischoff tells her that he said he would knock her out and his gain would be Smackdown's loss. Bischoff then drives off with someone in the limo but we don't get to see who. From behind, Kurt Angle sneaks in and Steph is relieved to see him. Angle says that he was talking to Eric, his brother not Bischoff because he had to let out some steam over what Brock did. The show ends as Stephanie wonders out loud if Angle wasn't in the limo, who was...
- End of show.
WWE Raw report- july 23
Eric Bischoff Interview - Eric Bischoff comes out in a mocking manner, rubbing his eyes as if he'd been crying and blowing kisses to the fans at ringside. As part of the "new" Raw, Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross have a new commentating booth which is now situated right by the ramp under the Titan Tron, kind of like what Nitro used to be like I think. Bischoff grabs the mic and says that tonight he will present the new WWE champion, the Rock. But that's not all, Bischoff says he will showcase the man who will make this show the #1 show in all of sports entertainment, the man who he stole last night from Stephanie McMahon - Triple H. With that, Triple H's music hits and out he comes, complete with all his pre-match and pre-interview shenanigans. Bischoff starts to speak, but Triple H stops him and says that tonight The Game brings to you his best friend, the Showstoppa, the Icon, Shawn Michaels! And that cues Michaels return who takes equally as long to get into the ring. Bischoff then officially announces the duo and says that from now on, Shawn will be Triple H's manager. Anytime you see Triple H, Shawn Michaels will not be far behind. Michaels responds by saying that he has no problem with being Triple H's manager, but he does have a huge problem with Bischoff telling him what to do. Bischoff restates that he must be Triple H's manager because he is Eric Bischoff. Shawn Michaels then says that Bischoff apparently doesn't realize that he's Shawn Michaels. He's been here for 15 years and he doesn't react well to ultimatums. Michaels then says whenever he has to do it someone else's way or the highway, he always chooses the highway and with that Michaels leaves. Bischoff warns him that he's turning his back on all the fans and he won't bring him back. Shawn ignores him and leaves. Eric Bischoff then turns to Triple H and suggests for him to go talk some sense into Shawn. Triple H runs off to do just that and Bischoff is left in the ring with a smile on his face. Bischoff turns his attention to other matters - namely the fact that he will unite the European and Intercontinental champions tonight when Jeff Hardy faces Rob Van Dam. But that's not all, it won't be an ordinary match, it will be a ladder match.
- Backstage, we see Triple H try to stop Shawn Michaels. They get physical and Trips tells Shawn to calm down. Michaels says that he's been here for 15 years and he doesn't listen to anyone. Triple H says that Shawn is the one who brought him here and now he's just going to leave? He'll be turning his back on both him and the fans. Triple H then says that Shawn Michaels can't even wrestle anymore, so is it that bad to become his manager? Michaels says that he hasn't lost his pride so Triple H says he's not asking him to be his lackey. He shouldn't pick up his ball and leave like Stone Cold did. He assures Shawn that he has some ideas and Michaels says that it better be damn good.
Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam [IC/Euro Unification Ladder Match]
- They lock up and with some quick takedowns and reversals to start the match off. Jeff backs RVD into a corner where he punches him and before long sends him outside with a clothesline. Jeff grabs a chair but RVD comes running in and baseball slides into knocking it back into Jeff. From the mat, RVD moonsaults onto Jeff and then grabs the ladder and brings it in, setting it up to grab the titles that are hanging from the rafters. Jeff gets up and knocks RVD down and then pushes the ladder over before kicking RVD a few times. Jeff then goes and picks the ladder back and starts to climb, but Van Dam returns the favor, knocking both him and the ladder down. Van Dam then folds up the chair and tries to use it on Jeff but Jeff dropkicks it right out of his hands. Outside, they both get different ladders and bring it in. Starting face to face, they slam the two ladders against one another twice before RVD loses his. Van Dam reverse kicks Jeff knocking him down and allowing him time to position Jeff. Van Dam goes for the title agai but Jeff meets him up there and together they fall down to the mat. Jeff with a ladder, stacking it on top of Rob Van Dam. Jeff heads to the top and hits a Swanton Bomb right on the ladder which is on Jeff, basically knocking both men out for a while. Jeff positions a second ladder and starts making his way up, but RVD rushes up and there they exchange punches until Van Dam sunset flips Hardy from near the top. Both men down once again. RVD gets up first, sets Jeff up on a ladder and hits the Rolling Thunder. RVD starts climbing up another ladder, but Jeff bounces up, grabs another ladder and hits RVD with it. Jeff sets that ladder up and climbs up, with both men inches away from the title. Out of nowhere, RVD kicks Jeff down and from the top, he hits a modified Five Star Frog splash. With Jeff incapacitated, Rob Van Dam climbs up and grabs the title to win the match.
Winner: Rob Van Dam.
- After the match, RVD checks on Jeff Hardy and helps him up to his feet. He raises Jeff's hand and then leaves with his title belt.
- Christopher Nowinski takes the mic and thanks Eric Bischoff for giving him the time to speak his mind because he has something to get off his chest. Ever since he has made his WWE debut, he's been perplexed about why they hate him just because he's a Harvard grad. He says that everyone should be honored to be in his presence. Everyone should be exicted at what he's going to bring to future generations of WWE fans. Before he can finish, Undertaker's music hits and out comes the Dead Man on his bike. Undertaker makes his way into the ring and Nowinksi says that he's probably upset at losing his title and he probably has something important to say so he just hands Taker the mic. Undertaker extends his hand to Chris and they shake hands but Taker doesn't let go and just attacks Nowinski. Taker basically beats him and gives him the Last Ride.
- Backstage, Eric Bischoff marvels at the Undertaker to Rhyno! Bischoff says that when Rhyno is ready, he wants him here on Raw. Rhyno thanks Bischoff for the offer and when he's ready to come back, he will keep in touch with Bischoff. Eric is really happy and tells Rhyno to take care. From behind Shawn Stasiak and D'Lo Brown come up to Bischoff and ask him for an opportunity. Eric says that he has a three-minute window on Raw and he wants to see a winner, but he also wants to see entertainment and if there isn't, he'll be forced to do something drastic.
Trish Stratus & Bubba Ray Dudley vs. Molly Holly & William Regal
- This is an intergender match (as opposed to mixed tag) so the guys can wrestle the girls if the situation arises. Regal and Bubba start things off and Regal immediately gets the upperhand, attacking Bubba's left arm which is taped up. Bubba fights back though and sends Regal reeling back to Molly. Regal tags out to Molly and as Bubba goes to tag out to Trish, Molly attacks him and asks for a test of strength. Bubba plays around for a while and finally, Molly gets upset and slaps Bubba so he returns the favor by slapping her ass. Bubba tags out to Trish and the two women go at it. Molly pulls Trish's hair to gain the advantage before tagging out to Regal, who works over Trish with a takedown. Regal with another takdown and then a knee to the midseason, followed by a cheapshot to Bubba Ray. Regal puts a full nelson on Trish and Molly tries to dropkick her but Trish ducks out of it and she nails Regal instead. Bubba comes in but he runs into a low blow before long but another miscommunication by Molly/Regal allows Bubba to tag back out to Trish. All four individuals in the ring now, Bubba sets up Regal for the Whassup headbutt and Trish delivers. Bubba then goes and gets the table but gets distracted by Molly Holly allowing Regal to sneak up from behind and suplex Trish. He puts the STF on Trish and gets the submission victory.
Winner: Molly Holly & William Regal
- Backstage, Eric Bischoff meets and congratulates Chris Benoit on his match last night. He says he will make a match tonight between him and Booker T, just like the old WCW days. The winner will get a shot at Rob Van Dam's Eurocontinental championship belt. He wishes Benoit good luck and leaves. Benoit looks at a poster of Bischoff on the wall and shakes his head.
- Backstage, the Rock is getting ready to come to the ring.
Rock Interview
- Lilian Garcia introduces the Rock as the new WWE champion after which Rock motions for a mic. Rock starts by thanking everyone for making last night's match one of the most electrifying matches he's been a part of. But that was last night, tonight he is here just like he told Eric Jerkoff, Eric Jackoff as the undisputed champion. Before long, Eddie Guerrero's music hits. Guerrero says that he has a problem with the Rock. He has two little girls at home and they worship the ground their father walks on. The other day when he walked into their room to say goodnight, he saw something disturbing. Right next to a picture of him, they had a poster of the Rock. He knew deep down that he had to show his girls discipline so he ripped down the posters and burned them sending his little girls crying. So he told them to shut up, at which point the Rock interrupts calling him a sick psychopath. He says that he isn't a movie star, but Guerrero is. Was he Cheech or Chong? Guerrero says that the Rock is just jealous of him. You and everyone else knows that he is the better wrestler, he's more good looking. He has the hottest haircut going in America right now. Nobody can wear the mullet like he can, the People's Mullet. Rock says with a haircut like that and a face like that, Billy Ray Cyrus went and had sex with a retarded hyena. Okay. Guerrero says that he will teach the Rock a lesson on how to respect him and it starts tonight in that ring. Guerrero goes on to say that if and when he beats him, how about the Rock give him a shot at his WWE championship? Rock sings a song...I guess his version of La Bamba, basically agreeing to the match and stipulations. As the Rock is making his way up the ramp, Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman come down to the ring and totally ignore the Rock. Rock stops, looks back at them and smiles.
Brock Lesnar vs. Tommy Dreamer
-Brock gets in the ring and awaits his opponent for tonight, Tommy Dreamer as the two of them will fight in a Singapore Cane match. Dreamer attacks Lesnar to start using the cane to his advantage and sending Brock scurrying to the outside. He tries to jump out and hit him, but Brock catches him and levels him with a belly to belly overhead suplex. Brock stomps away on Dreamer on the outside before sending him in where he whips Tommy violently to one corner. Lesnar follows in with a charge and sends him across and does the same. Backbreakers by Lesnar and another Irish whip followed by a charge, but this time tommy moves. Dreamer then catches with Lesnar with a DDT and gets a long two count. He goes for another cane and nails Brock over the back with it. Brock blocks the next shot, picks Dreamer up and simply hits the F-5 and gets the win.
Winner: Brock Lesnar.
- From behind, the Undertaker sneaks in and hits Lesnar with another Singapore Cane, sending Brock and Paul Heyman running to the back.
- Backstage, Big Show and Shawn Michaels meet up. Big Show talks about a few weeks ago when Michaels superkicked him as an act of "tough love". Right now, he doesn't see either Nash or the rest of the nWo and Shawn doesn't look so tough. Michaels says he doesn't know how tough he is but how bad does Show want to find out? Show laughs and says maybe he will find out and walks away.
Shawn Stasiak vs. D'Lo Brown
- Stasiak and D'Lo Brown start their three minute match. D'Lo with a couple quick covers but Stasiak kicks out before three. D'Lo ends up getting powerslammed for another two count and then an inside cradle by D'Lo gets two as well. Stasiak puts an arm bar on and Bischoff, who is standing by the rampway and timing, asks him what the hell that is. Bischoff quickly counts down and says that you should have entertained. Out of nowhere, two large men (the Island Boys) come in and kick the shit out of both D'Lo and Stasiak.
- Backstage, Triple H hands Shawn Michaels a bag and tells him to put whatever is inside on. Shawn laughs and asks him if he's serious. Triple H says he's dead serious.
- Backstage, Goldust meets Booker T and says he was impressive last night in his match, kind of like David slaying Goliath. Goldust says he's the King so Booker T asks him what he's hiding behind his back. Is it a crown? Does he want him to go out there looking like a fool? Goldust says no, but he has something better. He pulls out a Don King wig and puts it on Booker T. Booker T cuts a little promo and then leaves for his match.
Booker T vs. Chris Benoit
- The two men lock up and Benoit quickly works away on Booker's hand, but it's reversed into a headlock, an Irish whip and then a shoulder block which drops Benoit. Same sequence again but this time Benoit pushes Booker T into the corner and pounds him down. Irish whip is reversed into a heel kick but Benoit fights back with a backbreaker into a pinning combination which Booker kicks out of. Snap suplex by Benoit and another cover but Booker kicks out. The two mix it up in the center of the ring, but Booker hits Benoit with a reverse kicks but Benoit retaliates with some knife edge chops. With Booker T down, Benoit heads to the corner and undoes the middle turnbuckle before heading back to the center of the ring to duke it out with Booker T. Benoit gets the worst of it as Booker back bodydrops him and then floors him with a double forearm shot to the face. Another Irish whip results in a spinebuster and Booker heads to the top for a missile dropkick. Cover but Benoit gets his shoulder up at two and a half. Booker tries for a scissors kick but he misses and Benoit turns it around into his three patented German suplexes. Booker finally frees himself but he gets caught in another German suplex into a bridge cover but Booker kicks out. Bodyslam attempt by Benoit is countered but Benoit avoids contact. Rollup by Booker T but another kickout ensues. Finally, Benoit shoots Booker T into the exposed turnbuckle which in turns leads to the Crippler Crossface. Booker T taps and the match is over which means he faces RVD next week for the IC title.
Winner: Chris Benoit.
- We come back to see Eric Bischoff sitting at the commentating booth in between Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross, again just like the old WCW days. Bischoff says they are two of the best announcers in the history of wrestling and Lawler comments that he likes it up here, etc.
Big Show vs. Spike Dudley
- Big Show's music hits and out comes the big man. Bischoff says that Show had a tough night and he needs to get back on track tonight. His opponent Spike Dudley enters next and JR questions how close this match will be. Bischoff says this is just a confidence builder for Show while being an opportunity for Spike. Big Show dominates Spike, stepping on him and just throwing him around like a rag doll. Show chokeslams Spike and then pins him easily to take the match.
Winner: Big Show.
- After the match, Show starts celebrating but Bischoff signals from the booth that he wants him to put Spike through the table. Big Show abides, pulls out a table and sets it up. Before he can put him through the table, Bubba Ray Dudley comes to the rescue but he is no match for Show either. With Spike laid across the table, Show picks up Bubba and throws him through the table right through Spike.
- Backstage, we see Triple H's dressing room and nothing else. JR says that up next, we'll find out what's on Triple H's and Shawn Michaels' minds.
Shawn Michaels & Triple H Interview
- We come back just as the D-Generation X music hits. Triple H and Shawn Michaels come out to their old D-X video and music decked in their old D-X gear. Shawn Michaels speaks first and says that D-Generation X is back. Triple H then takes another mic and chants the famous "Are you readdddy?" followed by the whole "for the thousands in attendance, millions watching at home, leeeeeet's get ready to suck it!". But before it gets any further, Triple H attacks Shawn Michaels and Pedigrees him to the ground. He rips off his D-X shirt and walks off, leaving Michaels unconscious in the ring.
- Backstage, Triple H packs his bags and departs in a limo that is waiting for him. As the limo pulls away, another pulls in. The window rolls down and it's Stephanie McMahon. She tells the attendant/security guard to tell Eric Bischoff that his competition has arrived.
Eddie Guerrero vs. The Rock
- We cut back inside the arena just as Eddie Guerrero approaches the ringside area. The Rock comes out soon thereafter. The two men size each other up and then lock up before breaking. Another arm and collar tieup except this time, they exchange some armbars and side headlocks. Arm drag takedowns by the Rock and another armbar. They wrestle around for a little bit with more reversals until Guerrero suplexes Rock and allowing him time to recuperate. Punches and kicks by Guerrero in the corner and a choke which the referee breaks after the standard five count. Rock fights back with right hands but Eddie cuts him off with an elbow. Guerrero continues to punch away until finally hitting a dropkick, followed by a snapmare into a reverse chinlock. Rock fights out of it course with right hands but he swings off the ropes and meets up with another Eddie dropkick. Cover, but Rock kicks out. Eddie then puts on a figure four headlock and uses the ropes for leverage behind the ref's back but he gets caught and a break is called. As both men get up, Rock fights back with chops and punches but Eddie catches him with a clothesline, sending him crashing to the floor with Eddie right behind with another chinlock. Rock goes downstairs and gets out of it and the two go toe-to-toe with punches which the Rock gets the better of. DDT by Rock, cover but Eddie kicks out. Guerrero then turns around and walks into a Rock Bottom that is countered into a pin attempt but Rock manages to get a shoulder up. Guerrero clotheslines Rock over the top rope and then misses with a frog splash, allowing Rock to get up and hit a spinebuster. People's Elbow follows, cover and 1-2-3, Rock wins.
Winner: The Rock.
- As Rock celebrates, Brock Lesnar runs in and grabs the title belt from the referee. Rock turns around and sees this and the two men stare each other down in the middle of the ring. Lesnar looks down at the title, then looks back up at the Rock repeatedly. Finally, Lesnar throws the belt at the Rock's feet before departing as JR and Lawler harp on about the mind games that Brock is playing.
- Out in the parking lot, Eric Bischoff comes out to meet Stephanie McMahon. Bischoff asks Steph if she is here to get a wrestling lesson or maybe to slap his ass. Steph says nah, that's not what she is here, she's here to kick him in the testicles. Bischoff begs her to so Steph steps out but Brock and Heyman come out and stand in between Bischoff and Steph. Steph says okay, I will and she opens the door for Brock and Heyman. Bischoff is upset so Steph asks him how it feels to be kicked in the testicles. She then says that if he wants to see Brock Lesnar, he'll have to watch Smackdown! this week. Bischoff tells Brock to get out of the limo, but they drive off leaving Bischoff to scream after them.
End Show.
Lita: 'I'm going to come back more bad-ass than ever'
by Keith Elliot Greenberg
"I feel like people don't know how to react when they see me looking like this," said Lita, her neck brace wedged between a colorfully patterned blouse and her celebrated red locks. "I want to walk over and tell them that everything's okay. But it's not okay, not yet. Right now, it really sucks."
Lita was referring to an injury sustained April 6 on the set of the Fox television series, "Dark Angel." The queen of Team X-Treme ended up with her neck broken in three places, and a ruptured disk between her C-6 and C-7 vertebrae. On April 30, she underwent neck-stabilizing surgery in San Antonio, and hadn't been seen by the wrestling public since.
But Monday night, in her first public appearance, she hosted RAW at The World in Times Square. Her motive was two-fold, lifting her own spirits while connecting with fans who have kept her in their hearts since her mishap.
"I've received some pretty cool cards from people who've gone through way worse than I have," she noted, stopping to periodically adjust her hard collar. "It really made me know how good I had it. People sent photos of me with them at the arena, and it really improved my mood. These people have inspired me, and I'm just so glad to be with the fans again."
Her day-to-day routine since the surgery has been "boring." Prohibited from lifting more than ten pounds, and confined in her neck brace for every activity but showering, Lita has spent her time gardening and playing with her red Doberman, Cody. "At home, I realize that my friends are on the road, so it's kind of lonely," she says. "I spend a lot of time waiting for (boyfriend) Matt (Hardy) to come home. I hate thinking that the highlight of my week is waiting for someone else. I've always been independent."
Recently, though, she was heartened to see Chris Benoit return to WWE after his own bout with neck surgery. "When he came down the aisle, it was really motivational. I thought, 'It must be so hard keeping a straight face' because I know how excited he must have been. But he was trying to act tough, and he did a pretty good job of it."
In fact, some of Lita's brightest moments have come from her conversations with Benoit, along with other sidelined WWE superstars, like Scotty 2 Hotty and Rhyno. "They're a little bit further ahead of me in their recoveries," she said. "So I can see the light at the end of the tunnel."
Her targeted return to the ring is April 30, 2003 -- the one-year anniversary of her surgery.
"The doctor will not release me a day earlier," she points out. "I need time for the bones to fuse. The whole year will allow me to progress as a person and as a character. I think you'll see an evolution of Lita. I'm going to come back more bad-ass than ever."
Bubba Ray & Spike Dudley vs. Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero [Tables Match]
- This is a tables match where the winning team must put both of their opponents through tables. Benoit and Spike start with Benoit knocking him down and then suplexing him before going off to taunt Bubba Ray. Backbreaker by Benoit but Spike then counters a hip toss allowing himself the time to tag in to Bubba. Benoit then tags out to Eddie Guerrero and the two double team Bubba before Benoit once again becomes the legal man. Quick tag back to Guerrero who continues to work away on Bubba with punches in the corner and a shot to the knee that knocks Bubba down. Another tag to Benoit who bodyslams Bubba and then elbows him in the sternum. Bubba Ray ducks under Benoit and knocks Eddie down but he's left vulnerable to a German suplex by Benoit who's standing behind him.
- More double teaming by Eddie and Chris with Guerrero now the legal man. Punches knock Bubba down, after which Guerrero twists his neck and works away using the ropes for leverage behind the referee's back. Spike tries to interfere but the ref takes him away, allowing the heels to once again double team. Benoit back in, Irish whip and a big bodydrop has Bubba crying out in pain. Bubba tries to fight back but Benoit overpowers him and chokes him with his leg in one of the corners. Bubba once again fights back against both Eddie and Benoit but he doesn't go very far as Benoit shoots him across the rope before further kicking away and sending him to the other side. Benoit attacks Spike and soon thereafter, Eddie grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up while Benoit continues to soften up Bubba inside the ring.
- Out of nowhere, Spike comes running in, Benoit ducks but Spike hits a front flip off of Bubba (as a springboard) before nailing Eddie on the outside. Back in the ring, Bubba with punches on Benoit but Eddie pulls his leg allowing Benoit to regain the advantage. On the outside, Guerrero once again sets up another table but he sends it in instead. As Benoit sets it up, Guerrero goes over to Bubba and punches away and after a bit, Benoit joins him. They set Bubba on the top ropes and tries to double suplex him from there, but Spike rolls in and moves the table so they miss. Benoit beats up Spike, while Eddie goes out and gets yet another table. With Bubba seemingly incapacitated, Guerrero and Benoit destroy Spike in the corner and try to Irish Whip him into the table that is set up in one of the corners, but Bubba comes running in and tackles Spike before he can hit the table. All four men in the ring now with Bubba cleaning house, suplexing Benoit and powerslaming Bubba from the top.
- Match proceeds until Benoit gets the Crippler Crossface on Spike but Bubba intervenes and Samoan drops Benoit allowing him time to set up the table that is already in the ring. He lays Benoit across it and goes to the second rope, but Eddie tries to stop but can't. Bubba jumps, but Benoit moves and Bubba instead lands on it but it doesn't count because no one put him through it. All four men once again but Benoit misses a high cross body on Spike and instead takes Guerrero out to the outside. Spike looks around as Bubba is layed out in the ring still, finds Eddie and tries to pull him in the ring. Eddie fights it off though and tries to suplex Spike but it's countered with Spike hitting the Dudley Dog on Eddie and eliminating him from the match.
- Not too long after that, Benoit body pressed Spike over his head and just threw him out onto a table, eliminating Benoit. Bubba catches Benoit right after that and Bubba Bombs him through the table in the ring and the match is over.
Winner: Bubba Ray Dudley.
Jamie Noble vs. Billy Kidman (Cruiserweight Title Match)
- The two lock up and immediately head to the outside before running back in and locking up a second time. Before long, Noble bails to the outside where he is comforted by Nidia. Back in, they lock up where Noble gets some offense going but Kidman takes him down with a head scissors takedown. Back outside the ring, Noble throws Nidia at Kidman before hitting an arm-breaker on Billy and then following it up with a shoulder breaker against the ringpost. They head back into the ring where Noble hits a Northern Lights suplex before working away on Kidman's weakened elbow. Noble then sends Kidman into the ringpost and all the way to outside before heading out himself and throwing him back in.
- Back in, another takedown by Noble and further attacks on the shoulder/elbow area with an armbar submission. Kidman fights back though and hits a Hurricanrana and a dropkick which gets Noble reeling. Punch by Kidman, but Noble counters it and hits another armbar into a submission but Kidman breaks it by reaching the ropes. Kicks by Noble and an attempt into a powerbomb but Kidman counters that and turns it into a facebuster. Enzuigiri by Kidman sets him up for the Shooting Star Press but Noble catches him there and tries to knock him down, but Kidman powerbombs him instead.
- Kidman tries a Tornado DDT but Jamie Noble counters it and guillotines him across the top rope, allowing Kidman to try the Shooting Star Press once more. He hits it but Noble moves as Kidman catches mat. Rollup by Noble but Kidman kicks out. A few more reversals result until Noble hits him with a double underhook powerbomb and gets the pinfall win.
Winner: Jamie Noble.
Rob Van Dam vs. Brock Lesnar (Intercontinental Title Match)
- The match starts with Lesnar showing off his prowess via fireman's carry takedown and then some punches. Van Dam fights back though and hits a spinning heel kick sending Lesnar to the outside, upsetting the big man. Heyman tries to calm him down and Lesnar regroups and heads back in where he charges at RVD, knocking him down. RVD gets up real quickly though and takes Lesnar down with several shots to the leg. Side face lock but Lesnar just picks Van Dam up and throws him across the ring. Irish whip but Brock misses a clothesline and goes flying to the outside once again, allowing RVD to slingshot himself but landing right into the arms of Lesnar. A failed moonsault results in the same thing as Lesnar catches him and bodyslams him to the mat.
- Back in the ring, Lesnar continues to man handle RVD, following it up with a kick to the back and a punch to the back, the latter knocking Van Dam down. Lesnar tries for a bodyslam but it's countered into a heel kick which knocks down both men. Van Dam gets up first and kicks Lesnar right in the face but Brock fights back but runs right into RVD's boot. Lesnar continues to dominate by flipping RVD right over his shoulder and onto the floor where he heads out himself. There he charges RVD into the edge of the mat before hurling him into the steel steps.
- Back in the ring, Brock Lesnar puts RVD into a modified bear hug and then shoves him into the corner twice with great aggression. Abdominal stretch by Lesnar and he uses his free hand to pound away on RVD's chest. Lesnar finally lets go and tries to charge into RVD in the corner, but RVD puts him boot up. RVD gets his offense going with some kicks and a shot while flying over the top rope. Van Dam heads to the top rope and delivers a kick from there too followed by the Rolling Thunder. Cover, but Brock kicks out at two. Superkick by RVD and he heads to the top once more but Lesnar catches him there and tries for the F-5 but RVD counters it into a DDT.
- Once more, Van Dam heads to the top where he hits the Five Star Frog splash. Cover but Heyman interferes and drags the ref out, prompting a DQ finish. The ref (Charles Robinson) attacks Heyman while RVD continues to assault Brock, setting him up in the corner for the Van Terminator. Heyman grabs RVD's leg though and Lesnar walks from behind and slams him from the top and onto the chair which was on the mat. Brock then picks up RVD and hits the F-5 on him right on top of the chair.
Winner via DQ: Rob Van Dam.
Booker T vs. Big Show
- Booker T immediately goes after Big Show but he misses a scissors kick which allows Big Show to just throw him around for a few seconds. Booker tries to fight back by punching Show in the gut, but Show responds by headbutting him to the ground. Show then goes on to step on Booker's back before picking him up and attemping a slam. Booker counters and hits an enzuigiri but Show regains the advantage and chops him to the outside.
- Outside, Big Show exposes the ringpost by moving the steel steps out of the way and throws Booker T into it. He charges in with a right hand and nails it knocking Booker T down. A Show miscue allows Booker T to continually ram Big Show's head and shoulder region into another ringpost. Booker then grabs some wiring from around the ringside area and chokes Show out with it (since this is a no-DQ match and all). Booker T then clears the Spanish announce table, grabs a monitor and drills it right into the head of Big Show. Booker then stands on JR and King's announce table and hits a scissors kick on Big Show right onto the Spanish Announce table shattering it.
- Back in the ring, Booker T continues his assault on Big Show but he's caught in a chokeslam position but fights it off and hits another scissors kick that drops Show. Booker then heads to the top and does a little flip into a legdrop onto Big Show. Cover, 1-2-3, and it's over.
Winner: Booker T.
Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock (World Title Match)
- All three men start off acting cautious and not wanting to jumpstart the match. Rock and Taker look eye to eye and ignore Angle who waves at them before he punches both guys in the face, telling them not to ignore him. So they both turn to him and beat him up sending him to the outside leaving Rock and Taker to duke it out. Taker punches away in the corner. Taker ends up outside and Angle finally makes his way in attacking Rock in the corner with several kicks. Chops by Angle but Rock fights briefly before a belly to belly suplex sends him flying across the ring.
- Angle picks Rock up and again hits him with a belly to belly suplex. Irish whip is countered into a DDT and a cover, but Angle gets his left shoulder up before the three count. Angle bails to the outside and Rock follows him there, smashing his head into the steps. Angle retaliates by sending Rock into the barricade before clotheslining him. Out of nowhere, the Undertaker comes flying at Angle with a clothesline before he turns his attention to the Rock, sending him back in the ring where he attacks away on him in the corner. Rock finally blocks a right hand but a second later he's caught in a sidewalk slam. As Angle stumbles up, Rock hits Taker with a chokeslam prompting Angle to break the count.
- Rock and Angle now going out at it. Rock drops Angle with a clothesline and hits the Ankle Lock but Angle counters it and Rock Bottoms Rock! Cover but Undertaker interferes by pulling Angle off and attacking him in one of the corners. Angle fights out of it and tries to Angle Slam him but it's blocked with Undertaker hitting Kurt with the same intended Angle Slam. Rock gets up, knocks Undertaker down and hits the People's Elbow but Angle pulls Rock and gets in the ring himself trying to get the pin. Cover, but Taker gets his shoulder up.
- In the corner, Taker and Angle duel it out with repeated punches. Angle misses a charge and eats post sending him crashing to the outside where Undertaker soon follows him. The Rock finally gets up and sneaks up from behind and spits a mouthful of water on Undertaker and the two of them drift towards the commentators' table. Taker hurls Rock onto the table and heads for Angle again, who is busted open. Taker pulls him back into the ring where he does the Top Rope walk on a wobbly Angle.
- By this time, the Rock gets up and Undertaker turns his attention to him instead as Angle is on the outside with a steel chair. Undertaker sets Rock up for the chokeslam but Angle tries to attack him but Taker catches it. It's Angle in the middle as both Taker and Rock take turns punching him. Taker once again sets up Rock for the chokeslam but Rock gets out of it just as Angle hits Taker with a chair. Angle then Angle Slams Rock but he doesn't have the strength to turn over and pin him. He rolls over and puts his arm over Undertaker instead but Taker gets his shoulder up before the three count. And now my cable just went out. It comes back in just as the Rock has the Sharpshooter on Angle but Undertaker interferes and breaks it up. Taker then grabs Rock and hits the Last Ride on him but Angle comes to and pulls him off and puts the Ankle Lock on and again, my cable goes out. What the hell. It's frozen with Angle just about to put the Ankle Lock on Taker. It comes back just as Rock is pinning Undertaker but Taker kicks out. Angle is layed out beside the two. And fuck it, there it goes again. It comes back on as Angle is rolling up Rock but he kicks out and then walks into a Big Boot and it's frozen again. Sorry folks, I don't know what's going on as this has never happened before.
- And it comes on just as the Rock is given the WWE title...grrrr. Maybe there will be a replay. For those interested, I think Kurt Angle is the one who got pinned but I'm not totally sure. Ah, here comes the replay. Angle with the Olympic Slam and he starts celebrating before he turns around to presumably hit the Slam on Rock as well. But Rock immediately gets up and Rock Bottoms Angle for the win. Sorry for this last match, it was pretty messed up.
Winner: The Rock.
Chris Jericho vs. John Cena
- Apparently, Chris Jericho has promised to end John Cena's career tonight at Vengeance. As Cena comes down the rampway, Jericho grabs a steel chair and runs after Cena. He misses and Cena grabs it instead and hits Jericho with it, all before the match officially starts. Cena throws Jericho into the ring and the match begins. Cena starts off with control, shoving Jericho around but Chris grabs the ropes and bails to the outside. Jericho runs back in and flies off the ropes but runs into an axe handle by Cena. Backbreaker by Cena and a cover, but Jericho just gets the shoulder up. Finally, Jericho capitalizes on a Cena mistake by clotheslining him on the top rope. Jericho then proceeds to kick away at Cena's head before nailing him with a suplex.
- Jericho then tries to expose the top turnbuckle, but the referee catches him and starts to put the covering back on. Cena rolls up Jericho and appears to have him out for the count, but the referee is late getting to the mat and Jericho kicks out. Jericho gets up and drops Cena with a right hand twice, before backing him up in the corner and chopping him twice. Whip across the rope and Jericho charges in but catches boot, however, Cena's offense is short lived as Jericho takes him down and then heads to the top.
- Up there, Jericho wastes time and Cena gets up and superplexes him from there, getting a two count out of it. Punches by Cena but he tries for a back body drop but Jericho kicks him in the face. Cena regains control but misses a high cross body with Jericho giving him a vicious kick in mid-air into the gut. Match proceeds but Cena hits a belly to belly suplex but Jericho kicks out. Several more near falls result with Jericho trying a pin with his foot on the ropes for leverage but Cena finds a way to get his shoulder up.
- Bulldog by Jericho and a Lionsault but he doesn't go for the win, instead choosing to let Cena get up. Jericho trips him up and goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Cena quickly rolls him up before he can and gets a surprise 1-2-3 victory! Jericho is disgusted with himself and grabs a chair and starts slamming it against one of the ring posts.
Winner: John Cena.
Edge & Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs. Christian & Lance Storm
- Before the match, Lance Storm and Christian say a few Anti-American words. Everyone was making too much noise here and I couldn't hear what was said.
- Christian and Hogan lock up to start things off but Hogan powers him all the way to the outside. Christian reluctantly comes back in but Hogan gets distracted with Storm, allowing Christian to attack him from behind. Tag out and some brief double teaming and both Anti-American members occupy themselves with Edge just as Hogan comes from behind and double clotheslines them. Hogan with punches on Storm in the corner, followed by a clothesline before a tag to Edge. Edge with a flapjack on Storm but interference from Christian sets him back allowing Storm to nail him with a heel kick. Tag to Christian who pummels away on a fallen Edge following it up with a chinlock.
- Edge eventually fights off both Storm and Christian and tags out to Hogan who does his usual clean up, knocking both opponents down. Big boot to Storm but he misses with Christian who hits him with a reverse DDT but Hogan kicks out. Christian tries to pound away on Hogan but Hogan Hulks up and delivers right hands of his own, followed by a Big Boot and the legdrop. Cover but Storm pulls Hogan off and Hogan sends him to the outside. He turns around to get Christian but gets greeted with a thumb to the eye and then he's guillotined to the outside.
- On the outside, Hogan is superkicked and set back in where Christian works away with several punches to his head. Tag to Storm but Hogan somehow survives a double teaming to double clothesline Storm. He tags out to Edge who takes out both Christian and Storm with two big back body drops and two spears into the corner. Edgeomatic and cover on Storm but Christian interferes. Edge tries to spear Lance Storm but Lance misses and Edge nails the ref instead. Edgecution on Storm and cover but no referee. On the outside, Test comes running in and takes Hogan out before heading inside and nailing Edge with a big boot. Cover but Edge kicks out. As Test walks away, Rikishi comes running down and takes Test away. Edge with a spear on Storm but the referee is distracted by Christian and Hogan. From behind, Chris Jericho runs in and hits Edge with the tag team title, allowing Storm to roll over and get the win.
Winners: Lance Storm and Christian.
William Regal vs. Jeff Hardy (European Title Match)
- The two men lock up with Regal getting the advantage with a headbutt. Slap to the face by Regal, followed by a face lock and quick cover, but Hardy kicks out. Two more covers and two more kick outs. Regal whips Jeff to the ropes and tries a back body drops, but Jeff prevents it from happening after which Regal counters a sunset flip by pulling Jeff up by the hair. Match proceeds until Jeff gains the advantage with some kicks to the leg and a chinbreaker and a slingshot that sends Regal to the outside.
- Jeff tries to follow him out but he's caught and Regal tries to drag him out but Jeff hits what looks like a modified Hurricanrana before missing from a high flying move from the top. Back in the ring, Regal goes for another cover but Jeff once again kicks out. Back and forth action until Jeff goes for the Swanton Bomb but Regal puts his knees up. Half Nelson back throw by Regal, followed by a Half Nelson backbreaker but Jeff quickly counters it by wringing the arm and rolls up Regal for the victory!
Winner: Jeff Hardy.