Jackie Chan
Scoll down for Jackie Chan biography and film list at the bottom!
07/01/02 : Jingle Ma to direct Jackie Chan in Titanium Rain Media Asia has lined up hot Hong Kong director Jingle Ma to direct its Jackie Chan vehicle Titanium Rain. The futuristic action title is set in China, the US and Japan and is being scripted in both English and Mandarin. Production is scheduled to start next March for release during Chinese New Year (February) 2004 "We?ve had lots of offers but decided not to take any equity partners in the project," said Media Asia head of sales and distribution Jeffrey Chan. "We?ll start selling once the script is finished and we?ve nailed down further elements of the cast." Ma directed two of Hong Kong?s top five local box office winners in 2000 action film Tokyo Raiders and Summer Holiday, a romantic comedy starring Richie Ren and Sammi Cheng. His most recent credits include Golden Harvest musical Para Para Sakura and gangster film Goodbye Mr Cool. He was also the cinematographer for Drunken Master 2 and Rumble in The Bronx. Chan, who is currently working on Spyglass Entertainment?s Shanghai Knights, recently added a remake of Around The World In Eighty Days to his busy schedule. Frank Coraci is attached to direct the project which could start shooting this autumn. Media Asia?s production slate also includes action picture Naked Weapon which started production in the Philippines last week. Hot action choreographer Ching Siu-Tung is directing with Daniel Wu and Maggie Q heading the cast. Director : Jingle Ma 06/21/02 : Chan's the man for 'Eighty Days' Jackie Chan will star in a remake of "Around the World in Eighty Days" with Walden Media on board to finance and Frank Coraci to direct. Chan could begin lensing the pic in the fall, after he completes Spyglass Entertainment's "Shanghai Knights," in which he stars opposite Owen Wilson. Remake of "Eighty Days," penned by Michael D. Weiss and David Titcher, is said to be generating distribution interest from most of the majors. Like the 1956 original, which starred David Niven and was based on Jules Verne's novel, period pic will be set during the Industrial Revolution, a time of great intellectual restlessness and advancement throughout the world. But the script has been significantly revised. Emphasis in the new version shifts to Passepartout (Chan), who after stealing a valuable jade Buddha seeks refuge with London gentleman inventor Phileas Fogg. The role of Fogg, made famous by Niven, has yet to be cast As in the original, the crux of the story is Fogg's bet with members of his club that a man can traverse the globe in 80 days. Revision has Passepartout teaching Fogg to open his mind to the different cultures he encounters en route to winning his bet. Passepartout guides and defends Fogg on his journey -- an area in which Chan no doubt will exploit his athleticism. Coraci helmed Adam Sandler starrers "The Wedding Singer" and "The Waterboy." Walden declined comment on the "Eighty Days" pact. The Gotham shingle recently announced that next year, Disney will release its large-format 3-D pic "Ghosts of the Abyss," directed by James Cameron. The company's first full-length feature, "Holes," based on Louis Sachar's Newbery Award-winning novel, is in production with Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight and Shia Le Beouf toplining. Walden soon begins lensing "I Am David," the adaptation of Ann Holm's novel, with "Freaks and Geeks" creator Paul Feig writing and directing. Company also is making the first live-action film adaptation of C.S. Lewis' "The Chronicles of Narnia" book series, beginning with "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."
I'm trying to collect all the information I can about Jackie's upcoming movies. But remember, until it says it's an official Jackie Chan movie, it's not.
The Highbinders (HK): Jackie playing a cop coming back from the dead with mystical powers. Sounds interesting, doesn't it?
Shanghai Knights (US) : The sequel to Jackie's US movie, Shanghai Noon is coming. This time set in England!
The Tuxedo (US):
Jackie returns to the US with Tuxedo, where he's supposedly has a more dramatic role.
Titanium Rain (HK):
Chinese epic sci-fi timetravelling action movie! Jackie is a warrior from the Ming Dynasty and travels through time.
The Bellboy (US):
A remake of Jerry Lewis's 1960 comedy The Bellboy. This will feature more of Jackie's talent for comedy.
Other projects (not official yet) :
· Operation Condor 2 (Golden Harvest, HK movie)
· SunTzu: Art of War (Golden Harvest, HK movie)
· Nosebleed (MGM; US movie)
· Stretch Armstrong (Disney, US movie)
· Rush Hour 3 (New Line, US movie)
· Bellboy (unknown, US movie)
· Street Rider (unknown, HK movie)
· Bomb (unknown, HK movie)
Jackie Chan Biography
The early years... Jackie Chan was born Chan Kong-sang (which means "Born in Hong Kong" Chan), April 7th, 1954, the Year of the Horse. Jackie was the only son of Charles and Lee-lee Chan, who were very poor and worked for the French ambassador to Hong Kong. Charles was a cook and a handyman, while Lee-Lee worked as a housekeeper. They lived in a room in the mansion of the French ambassador on the exclusive slopes of Victoria Peak in Hong Kong.
Most babies are born nine months after being conceived. Jackie, on the other hand, stuck around an extra three months, so his mother had to have surgery to bring him into the world. Because Chan Kong-sang weighed 12 pounds at birth, his mother nicknamed him "Pao-pao", wich is Chinese for "cannonball". The bill for his mother's surgery came to HK (about US), and his parents' savings didn't come close to covering the cost. But the lady doctor who performed the surgery approached Jackie's nervous father with a deal. She had no kids of her own, she explained to him, and she knew he and Jackie's mother, Lee-lee, had no money. If Charles would allow her to "adopt" him, she would be willing to pay for the costs of the surgery and his mother's hospital stay. But Jackie was his parents' only son. He was their symbol of their new start in Hong Kong. Charles' friends lent him the money to pay off the hospital dept, and thanked the doctor for her generous offer.
The Peking Opera School... In 1960, Charles had to move to Australia to work in the Chinese embassy there. It was at this time that Jackie was first enrolled in the Peking Opera school. Chan was to study there from the age of six/seven until the age of seventeen -ten years. Jackie's master at the school was Master Yu Jim-Yuen, to whom Jackie owes his entire career. There Jackie's name became Yuen Lo.
At the school, students were taught traditional Chinese arts of performing, singing, acting, and especially acrobatic and martial arts. Any number of traditional Chinese martial arts were taught, along with weaponry, stick fighting and the like. Students were forced to put in eighteen hour days and subjected to grueling physical demands, for example, holding headstands or stances for hours at a time. Beatings were very common. After some years, when Jackie's mother joined his father in Australia, Master Yu adopted Jackie, making him his godson. Jackie was invited to join "The Seven Little Fortunes", a performing group at the opera which performed at several locations in Hong Kong.
Many of Jackie's modern day co-stars also came from the Peking Opera School. Some of them are huge stars in Hong Kong today, including Samo Hung, Yuen Biao, and Yeun Wah -- the list is long! Samo Hung and Yen Biao have co-starred with Jackie several times, including the movies Winners and Sinners (Five Lucky Stars), Project A, My Lucky Stars, and Twinkle, Twinkly Lucky Stars to name just a few.
Jackie's first onscreen appearance came in 1962, when a director offered him a small role as a child actor in the Cantonese film Big and little Wong Tin-Bar. Jackie would go on to appear in several films, first as a child actor and then as a stuntman, before the age of seventeen
Jackie the stuntman... At seventeen, Jackie left the Peking Opera and found small roles in films. His first leading role was in 1971's Master with the Cracked Fingers, a fairly standard tale of revenge. In 1973 Jackie worked as in extra in two films that starred the biggest name in Kung-Fu movies at the time -Bruce Lee. In Fist of Fury (The Chinese Connection), Bruce kicks Jackie through a building wall. Apparently, Jackie thew himself through the wall with no padding and with such vigor that Bruce was forced to ask if the young stuntman was all right.
Jackie was all right, and later that year appeared in Bruce Lee's breakthrough classic Enter the Dragon, again as one of the numerous people Bruce fights off. Although only on the screen briefly, Jackie's face can clearly be seen.
Lo Wei film company... In 1976, after appearing in the film Hand of death (Countdown in Kung Fu), directed by a young John Woo, Jackie went to Australia a short while to be with his parents. He returned to Hong Kong the same year, and was signed as a lead actor by the Lo Wei film company. This is when Willy Chan became Jackie's best friend and personal manager, wich he still is today.
Jackie, who had been acting at this time under the name "Chen Yueng Lung" was renamed "Sing Lung" (means "already a dragon" or "become the dragon"), and in 1976 made his first film for Lo Wei, titled New Fist of Fury, a sequel to Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury (The Chinese Connection). The film cast Jackie in a Bruce Lee type role, and although Jackie's martial arts talent are exhibited, Jackie was not comfortable acting in Bruce's shadow. Jackie would go on to make a number of films for Wei, none of which were huge sucesses.
How Chan Kong-sang (Yuen Lo) became Jackie Chan In 1976, after joining his parents in Australia, he decided he had to work to earn some money while he was there. Therefore, one of his father's friends, a guy named Jack, took Yuen Lo to a construction site to work. Jack knew that Kong-sang wasn't a name the Australian workers would get an easy grip on. "Aw, hell, his name's Jack, too," he said to his fellow workers. Over the months Jackie stayed there, "Jack" became "Jackie". And that's how Jackie Chan was born.
New try at Seasonal Films... In 1978, Jackie was loaned to director Ng See Huen's Seasonal Film company for the film Snake in Eagle's Shadow. Unlike his previous films, the film had a light, humorous tone, better acting, and a better story. Free of the burden of trying to be like the late Bruce Lee, Jackie's expressive features, timing, and great comedic ability began to show themselves. The film was a hit in Hong Kong, and the cast and director reunited shortly thereafter to make the even more successful Drunken Master, which broke all the box office records in Hong Kong at the time. Jackie finally began to go off in a different direction, away from the style of Bruce Lee, and into his own clowning Kung-Fu style.
The wanted breakthrough... The success of Drunken Master gave Jackie more control over his films, and he directed and choreographed his next, and last, film for Lo Wei, 1979's Fearless Hyena. Following that film, Jackie realized he had to extricate himself from the meager talent of Lo Wei, and signed with Raymond Chow's Golden Harvest film company. However, this breach of contract angered Wei, who together with the Triads issued threats on Jackie Chan's life. To avoid any messy problems, Jackie was sent to America, where he was to try and break into the U.S. market. He made Battle Creek Brawl, which was a big flop, mostly because Jackie didn't get the chance to do the style he wanted. Instead of a hillarious Kung Fu artist, Jackie was a Chinese kid in America's 1930s. Jackie would also return to America in 1981 and 1984 to fill a small role as a Japanese driver in the Cannonball Run films. Jackie was bought out from Lo Wei at the amount of HK. 000 000 by Golden Harvest studio heads Raymond Chow and Leonard Ho. Jackie was free to return to Hong Kong.
Jackie Chan's World... Jackie's trip to America was not a total waste, as he was first exposed to early American silent film stars like Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton. Admiring their movement and timing, as well as their stunts, he realized that movement and physical control could lead to spectacular action scenes and communicate often better than words. His 1984 film Project A, set in early 1900's Hong Kong about rivalries between the police and coast guard, took him away from the traditional Kung-Fu genre and into a new direction. The film delivers tightly choreographed martial arts and physical humor as well as stunts. Jackie goes so far as to recreate Harold Lloyd's "hanging from the clock tower" stunt, falling three stories afterward. It was around this time that Jackie's stunts begin to get more spectacular, and to connect with the audience, Jackie performs them all himself, which would eventually become his trademark.
In 1983 Jackie appeared in the Samo Hung directed comedy Winners and Sinners. Jackie, Samo, and Yeun Biao had become good friends studying at the Peking Opera together, and each achieved individual stardom in the Hong Kong movie scene. Jackie considered Samo to be his "big brother" and Biao to be his "little brother". The three would go on to make seven movies together. In 1987 after the film Dragons Forever the group had a bit of a falling out over their direction, and have not appeared together in a film since. In 1996 however, Jackie and Samo reunited to make the film Mr. Nice Guy. From there came hit after hit, including Armour of God, Project A II, Dragons Forever, Police Story II, Miracles: Mr. Canton and Lady Rose. All these films feature fast, tightly choreographed fight scenes and dangerous stunts. While filming The Armour of God Jackie fell from a tree and hit his head on a rock causing a hole in his skull, a wound which he carries to this day.
Numerous hits followed cementing Jackie's position as Hong Kong's premier action star. In the mid 1980's Jackie formed his own production company "Golden Way", which in addition to Jackie's own movies, has produced such films as Stanley Kwan's "Rouge".
Jackie continued to make hits throughout the 90's, despite competition from more Hong Kong and American films. Jackie's films have taken on different directions, including teaming with action star Michelle Khan (Yeoh) in 1992's Police Story III: Supercop, and taking a more dramatic turn in 1993's Crime Story, based on the true story of a Hong Kong detective. In 1994, he starred in the film Drunken Master II, an in name only sequel which returned him to his early film making days. The final fight scene took months to film, and the result was spectacular. The film broke all box office records for Hong Kong, and reinvigorated Jackie's career. Taking a chance, American film company New Line Cinema bought the rights to distribute Jackie's next film in the United States. Titled Rumble in the Bronx, the film opened in February 1996. Heavily promoted by New Line, the film opened to excellent reviews and went to #1 at the box office the week it debuted. The film created a huge impact finally exposing the American public to martial arts moviemaking of a caliber they had never seen before, and winning Jackie Chan legions of new fans. Jackie had finally broken into the American market and was on his way to becoming a household name.
Following the success of Rumble in the Bronx, New line bought rights to Chan's successive works, while Miramax films bought up Jackie's recent 90's work to distribute in the U.S. Enjoying his newfound fame, Jackie has traveled to the United States often to promote his films, as well as continuing to promote his films around the world. After a lifetime in film, Jackie has developed his own unique style, impossible to capture in words, and visible only in the magic of his films. Concerning his place in film history, Jackie says- "I want to be remembered like I remember Buster Keaton. When they talk about Buster Keaton or Gene Kelly, people say 'Ah yes, they good'. Maybe one day they remember Jackie Chan that way. That's all".
Jackie Chan Filmlist!
The 1970s
· The Little Tiger of Canton (1971, also: Master with Cracked Fingers)
· CAST : Jackie Chan (aka Chen Yuen Lung), Juan Hsao Ten, Shih Tien, Han Kyo Tsi
· DIRECTOR : Chin Hsin
· STUNT COORDINATOR : Chan Yuen Long, Se Fu Tsai
· PRODUCER : Li Long Koon
· The Heroine (1971, also: Kung Fu Girl)
· CAST : Jackie Chan (aka Chen Yuen Lung), Cheng Pei-pei, James Tien, Jo Shishido
· Not Scared to Die (1973, also: Eagle's Shadow Fist)
· CAST : Wang Qing, Lin Xiu, Jackie Chan (aka Chen Yuen Lung)
· PRODUCER : Hoi Ling
· WRITER : Su Lan
· All in the Family (1975)
· CAST : Linda Chu, Dean Shek, Samo Hung, Jackie Chan
· DIRECTOR : Chan Mu
· PRODUCER : Raymond Show
· WRITER : Ken Suma
· Hand of Death (1976, also: Countdown in Kung Fu)
· CAST : Dorian Tan, James Tien, Jackie Chan
· DIRECTOR : John Woo
· WRITER : John Woo
· New Fist of Fury (1976)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Nora Miao, Lo Wei, Han Ying Chieh, Chen King, Chan Sing
· Shaolin Wooden Men (1976)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Kam Kan, Simon Yuen, Lung Chung-erh
· WRITER : Chen Chi-hwa
· STUNT COORDINATOR : Li Ming-wen, Jackie Chan
· Killer Meteors (1977, also: Jackie Chan vs. Wang Yu)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Jimmy Wang Yu, Chu Feng
· DIRECTOR : Jimmy Wang Yu
· PRODUCER : Hsi Li Hwa
· WRITER : Ku Lung
· To Kill with Intrigue (1977, also: Jackie Chan Connection)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, George Wang, Chu Feng
· WRITER : Ku Lung
· STUNT COORDINATOR : Chin Hsin, Chen Wen Lung
· Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin (1978)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Nora Miao, Kam Kan
· DIRECTOR : Chen Chi-hwa
· PRODUCER : Hsu Li Hwa
· STUNT COORDINATOR : Jackie Chan, Tu Wi Ho
· Half a Loaf of Kung Fu (1978)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, James Tien, Lung Chung-erh, Kam Kan
· DIRECTOR : Chen Chi-hwa
· PRODUCER : Lo Wei, Hsu Li Hwa
· WRITER : Tang Ming Chi
· Magnificent Bodyguards (1978)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, James Tien, Dorian Tan
· PRODUCER : Hsu Li Hwa
· WRITER : Ku Lung
· STUNT COORDINATOR : Jackie Chan, Luk Chuen
· Spiritual Kung Fu (1978, also: Karate Ghost Buster)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, James Tien, Shien Tien (aka Shek Kin)
· Dragon Fist( 1978)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Nora Miao, James Tien
· PRODUCER : Hsu Li Hwa
· Snake in Eagle's Shadow (1978, also: Snaky Monkey)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Hwang Jang Lee, Simon Yuen Siu Tin, Ray Horan
· DIRECTOR : Yuen Woo Ping
· PRODUCER : Chen Chuan
· WRITER : Ng See-yuen, based on Jackie's story
· Drunken Master (1978, also: Drunk Monkey)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Simon Yuen Tin, Hwang Jang Lee, Dean Shek Tien
· DIRECTOR : Yuen Woo Ping
· PRODUCER : Ng See-yuen
· WRITER : Hsiao Lung
· Fearless Hyena (1979)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Yen Shi-kwan, Li Juan, James Tien, Shih Tien
· DIRECTOR : Jackie Chan
· PRODUCER : Hsu Li Hwa
· WRITER : Jackie Chan
The 1980s
· Fearless Hyena II (1980)
· CAST : Jackie Chan. Shih Tien
· The Young Master (1980)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Shih Tien, Yuen Biao, Chiang Kam, Lily Lee, Whang Inn Sik
· DIRECTOR : Jackie Chan
· WRITER : Lau Tin Chee, Tung Lio, Edward Tang King-sang
· Battle Creek Brawl (1980, also: The Big Brawl)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, José Ferrer, Kristine De Bell, Mako
· DIRECTOR : Robert Clouse
· PRODUCER : Raymond Chow, Fred Weintraub, Terry Morse Jr.
· Cannonball Run (1980)
· CAST : Many famous Hollywood actors + Jackie Chan
· DIRECTOR : Hal Needham
· PRODUCER : Albert Ruddy
· WRITER : Brock Yates
· Dragon Lord (1982)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Mars, Whang Inn Sik, Chan Wai Man, Tien Fun
· DIRECTOR : Jackie Chan
· WRITER : Jackie Chan, Barry Wong, Edward Tang King-sang
· STUNT COORDINATORS : Fung Ke-an, Corey Yuen Kwai
· Winners and Sinners (1983, also: Five Lucky Stars)
· CAST : Samo Hung, Richard Ng, Charlie Chinn, John Sham, Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao
· DIRECTOR : Samo Hung
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho
· WRITER : Samo Hung, Wong Pin Yiu
· STUNT COORDINATORS : Yuen Biao, Chan Wui Ngai, Lam Ching Ying
· Cannonball Run II (1983)
· CAST : Many famous Hollywood actors + Jackie Chan
· DIRECTOR : Hal Needham
· PRODUCER : ALbert Ruddy
· WRITER : Harvey Miller
· Project A (1984, also: Pirate Patrol)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Samo Hung, Yuen Biao, Chen Hui-min, Mars, Dick Wei
· DIRECTOR : Jackie Chan
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho
· WRITER : Jackie Chan
· Wheels on Meels (1984)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Samo Hung, Yuen Biao, Lola Forner, Benny "The Jet" Urquidez
· DIRECTOR : Samo Hung
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho
· WRITER : Edward Tang King-sang, Johnny Lee, Samo Hung
· My Lucky Stars (1985)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Samo Hung, Yuen Biao, Charlie Chinn, Eric Tsang, Fung Shiu Fan
· DIRECTOR : Samo Hung
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho
· WRITER : Barry Wong
· STUNT COORDINATORS : Samo Hung, Yuen Biao, Yuen Wah
· Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars (1985)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Samo Hung, Yuen Biao, Sibelle Hu, Richard Ng, Michelle Yeoh
· DIRECTOR : Samo Hung
· PRODUCER : Eric Tsang
· WRITER : Barry Wong
· The Protector (1985)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Danny Aiello, Roy Chiao, Bill "Superfoot" Wallace, Victor Arnold
· DIRECTOR : James Glickenhaus
· WRITER : James Glickenhaus
· STUNT COORDINATORS : Billy Lai, Stanley Chow
· Heart of Dragon (1985, also: First Mission)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Samo Hung, Emliy Chu, Mang Heoi, Liu Chia-tung, Wu Ma, Dick Wei
· DIRECTOR : Samo Hung
· WRITER : Barry Wong, Samo Hung
· FIGHT COORDINATORS : Yuen Biao, Samo Hung
· Police Story (1985, also: Police Force)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Chua Yuen, Brigitte Lin Ching-hsia, Bill Tunf, Kenneth Tong
· DIRECTOR : Jackie Chan
· SUPERVISOR : Edward Tang King-sang
· Armour of God (1986, also: Thunderarm)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Alan Tam, Lola Forner, Rosamund Kwan
· DIRECTOR : Jackie Chan, Eric Tsang
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho, Chau Lam
· WRITER : Edward Tang King-sang, Szeto Choek Hoin, Ken Lom John Sheppard
· STUNT COORDINATORS : Lau Kar Wing, Yuen Chung Heung, Jackie Chan
· Project A II (1987, also: Project B)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung, David Lam, Rosamund Kwan, Carina Lau
· DIRECTOR : Jackie Chan
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho
· WRITER : Edward Tang King-sang
· Dragons Forever (1987, also: Three Brothers)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Samo Hung, Yuen Biao, Benny Urquidez, Yuen Wah, Dick Wei
· DIRECTOR : Samo Hung
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho
· Police Story II (1988, also: Police Force II)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung, Bill Tung, Lam Kwok-hung
· DIRECTOR : Jackie Chan
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho
· WRITER : Jackie Chan, Edward Tang King-sang
· PRODUCTION COMPANY : Golden Way (founded by Jackie Chan)
· Miracles: Mr.Canton and Lady Rose (1989)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Anita Mui, Gloria Yip, Jackie Cheung, Billy Yip
· DIRECTOR : Jackie Chan
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho
· WRITER : Jackie Chan
The 1990s
· Armour of God II: Operation Condor (1990)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Carol Cheng, Eva Cobo De Garcia, Vincent Lyn, Ken Lo
· DIRECTOR : Jackie Chan
· PRODUCER : Jackie Chan
· WRITER : Jackie Chan
· Island on Fire (1991, also: When Dragons Meet, The Prisoner)
· CAST : Tony Leung Kar Fei, Jackie Chan, Samo Hung, Andy Lau, Jimmy Wang Wu
· DIRECTOR : Cheu Yen-ping
· PRODUCER : Jimmy Wang Yu, Ka Cheuen Hsing
· WRITER : Fu Lee, Yen Yun Chiao
· Twin Dragons (1991, also: Double Dragons, Dragons Collide)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Teddy Robin Kwan, Maggie Cheung, Nina Li Chi, Philip Chan
· DIRECTOR : Tsui Hark, Ringo Lam
· PRODUCER : Teddy Robin Kwan
· Police Story III: Supercop (1992)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Michelle Yeoh, Maggie Cheung, Tsang Kong, Yuen Wah
· DIRECTOR : Stanley Tong
· EXECUTIVE PRODUCER : Leonard Ho, Jackie Chan
· PRODUCER : Willie Chan, Edward Tang King-sang
· WRITER : Edward Tang King-sang
· City Hunter (1993)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Gary Daniels, Richard Norton, Chingmy Yau Shuk-chin
· DIRECTOR : Wong Jing
· PRODUCER : Chua Lam
· Crime Story (1993)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Kent Cheng, Poon Ling-ling, Ng Wing-mie, Mars
· DIRECTOR : Kirk Wong
· PRODUCER : Chua Lam
· WRITER : Chan Man Keung
· Drunken Master II (1994, also: Drunken Monkey II)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Lau Kar-leung, Anita Mui, Ti Lung, Ken Lo, Lo Wei Kong
· DIRECTOR : Lau Kar-Leung
· Rumble in the Bronx (1994)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Anita Mui, Bill Tung, Francoise Yip
· DIRECTOR : Stanley Tong
· PRODUCER : Barbie Tung
· WRITER : Edward Tang King-sang
· STUNT COORDINATOR : Jackie Chan, Samo Hung
· Thunderbolt (1995 also: Dead Heat)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Anita Yuen, Michael Wong, Ken Lo, Chor Yuen
· DIRECTOR : Gordon Chan
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho
· WRITER : Gordon Chan, Chan Hing Ka
· STUNT COORDINATORS : Jackie Chan, Samo Hung, Frankie Chan
· Police Story IV: First Strike (1996)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Jackson Lau, Annie Wu, Bill Tung, Yuri Petrov, Terry Woo
· DIRECTOR : Stanley Tong
· PRODUCER : Barbie Tung
· WRITER : Stanley Tong, Nick Tramnontane
· STUNT COORDINATORS : Stanley Tong, Jackie Chan
· Mr.Nice Guy (1997 also: A Nice Guy)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Richard Norton, Gabrielle Fitzpatrick, Karen Mclymont
· DIRECTOR : Samo Hung
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho
· WRITER : Edward Tang King-sang
· Who am I? (1998)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Michelle Ferre, Mira Yamamoto
· DIRECTOR : Benny Chan Muk Sing, Jackie Chan
· PRODUCER : Leonard Ho, Barbie Tung
· WRITER: Jackie Chan, Susan Chan
· Rush Hour (1999)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Tom Wilkinson, Chris Penn
· DIRECTOR : Brett Ratner
· PRODUCER : Roger Birnbaum
· Gorgeous (1999)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Hu Chi, Tony Leung, Richie Yam, Maggie Cheung
· DIRECTOR : Vincent Kut Tak-chiu
· PRODUCER : Jackie Chan, Raymond Chow
· WRITER : Jackie Chan, Ivy Ho
· Shanghai Noon (2000)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Owen Wilson, Rafael Báez, Walt Goggins
· DIRECTOR : Tom Dey
· PRODUCER : Gary Barber, Roger Birnbaum, Jackie Chan, Willie Chan
· WRITER : Miles Millar, Alfred Gough
2001 >>
· Accidental Spy (2001)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Vivian Hsu, Tat-Ming Cheung, Min Jeong Kim, Brad Allan
· DIRECTOR : Teddy Chen
· PRODUCER : Teddy Chen, Jackie Chan, Willie Chan
· WRITER : Ivy Ho
· Rush Hour 2 (2001)
· CAST : Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, John Lone, Ziyi Zhang, Roselyn Sanchez
· DIRECTOR : Brett Ratner
· PRODUCER : Roger Birnbaum
· WRITER : Ross LaManna, Jeff Nathanson