Srcoll down for filmography and biography
"Fist of Fury" Released 1971 - Approx. 101 min Starring Bruce Lee, Maria Yi, James Tien , Nora Maio,
Tony Liu and Han Ying Chieh
Directed by Lo Wei
Featuring: The lightening kicks of Bruce Lee on screen for the first time.
The setting is in Bangkok, Thailand. Before Bruce left China to Thailand, he promised his mom that he won't get in any fights and troubles. Strangely, some workers from the ice factory where Bruce works, vapourized. To find out what's going on, Bruce goes to see the boss; thus, realizing that the boss is involved in this event. Then, Bruce starts a fierce battle with the boss and the gangs.
"The Chinese Connection" Released 1972 - Approx. 107 mins Starring: Bruce Lee, Nora Miao Ker Hsiu, C H wong, Y C Han, James Tien, Robert Baker
Directed by Lo Wei
Featuring: The 2 scenes that Bruce goes challenge the Jap martial art school
Setting: In the early 1900's, Shanghai, China.
Story: Teacher Fok died in a sudden. Bruce Lee as Chan Chen,
came back to Shanghai for his teacher's funeral. During the funeral, some Japanese came and pissed off Bruce's group as "Sick men of Asia". That's why Bruce challenged the Japanese martial art school. Later on, Bruce found out that his teacher was poisoned to death by a Japanese undercover from the Jap martial art school. Finally, Bruce took his revenge and killed all the god damn Japanese, as a result of devoting his life to preserve the JING WU SCHOOL.
"Way of the Dragon" Released 1973 - Approx. 88 mins Starring Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and Nora Miao Ker Hsiu
Directed by Bruce Lee
Featuring: The final battle in the famous Coliseum
Story: In Rome, Italy, Miao's Chinese restaurant has some troubles, then Tong Lone (Bruce) goes there and help her. Bruce is a good fighter and that's why all the gangs got beat up by him. The last scene is in the famous Coliseum, Bruce VS Chuck.
"Enter the Dragon" Released 1973 - Approx. 99 mins Starring: Bruce lee, Shih Kien, John Saxon, Ahna Capri, Bob Wall and Bolo Yeung
Directed by Robert Clouse
Featuring: Bruce, the first time as the main character in Hollywood films
Story: Shaolin student Bruce was asked to cooperate with the FBI to investigate on a drug island controlled by Shih Kein. Unfortuneately, Bruce was captured as he's doing his spying. One thing for sure, Bruce is mightier than Shih. Finally, Bruce and Shih have a great fight at the end of the film and the FBI came to bust up the operation.
"Game of Death" Released 1978 - Approx. 95 mins Starring: Bruce Lee, Gig Young, Dan Inosanto, Kareem Abdul Jabaar, Dean Jagger,
Colleen Camp and Hugh O'Brian
Directed by Robert Clouse
Featuring: Bruce VS Dan Inosanto & Kareem Abdul Jabaar
Story: Action Star Billy Lo (Bruce) is forced to sign a movie contract. Billy doesn't give a shit tho; therefore, he gets jumped and is hospitalized. Billy pretends to dead and takes his revenge.
Bruce Lee biography
What does Bruce Lee have to do with Wing Chun? It's not just martial arts name-dropping. In fact, long before he became famous as a Hollywood actor, he helped make Wing Chun famous in Hong Kong.
November 27--born in San Francisco, CA at the Jackson Street Hospital. Son of Lee Hoi-Chuen and Grace Lee. Named Lee Jun-Fan, meaning "Return again Lee" in hopes he'd return to the United States some day ["Lee" is pronounced "lay" in Cantonese].
Returned with family to Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Entered La Salle College, a Catholic boy's school.
Attended St. Francis Xavier College [this isn't a college as the word is used in the USA, but what we call a high school].
Studied Wing Chun under the instruction of Yip Man. Learned as far as the second hand form and part of the wooden dummy form. Didn't finish the wooden dummy form, learn the third hand form or weapons forms. With Wong Sheun-Leung, William Cheung, and others, made Wing Chun famous in Hong Kong by winning numerous challenge matches against other martial artists.
Continued Wing Chun under the instruction of Wong Shun-Leung.
Continued Wing Chun under the instruction of William Cheung.
Appeared in Movie "The Orphan." Won Crown Colony Cha-Cha Championship.
April--returned to San Francisco, California, USA.
Moved to Seattle, Washington. Finished High School, then majored in Philosophy at the University of Washington. Since he hadn't completed his study of Wing Chun and faced now with larger opponents, he began to examine and incorporate aspects of other martial arts into his fighting style. This eventually led him to create and teach his own personal system.
Wrote "Chinese Gung Fu: the philosophical art of self defense" (Burbank: Ohara, 1963) [this book isn't about Wing Chun].
Trip to Hong Kong.
Returned to Seattle. Moved to Oakland, California.
August--gave first major demonstration at Ed Parker's Long Beach Karate Internationals.
Married Linda C. Emery in Seattle. Lived with James Yimm Lee family in Oakland.
February 1--son Brandon born.
Visited Hong Kong.
September--returned from Hong Kong to Seattle.
March--moved to Los Angeles.
9 September 1966-14 July 1967--appeared as Kato in the television series "The Green Hornet" [what you see in his TV and movie roles is not Wing Chun--instead this is his "movie" style].
Appeared in "Marlowe" with James Garner.
April 19--daughter Shannon born.
October--moved to Hong Kong.
Starred in "The Big Boss" and "Fist of Fury."
Starred in "Way of the Dragon" and "Game of Death" (unfinished).
Assisted in the publication of "Wing Chun Kung Fu" with James Yimm Lee.
December 1--death of Bruce's Wing Chun Sifu Yip Man in Hong Kong. Bruce did not attend the funeral--conflicting reasons have been given.
Starred in "Enter the Dragon."
July 20--died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong. I won't go into the rumors about cause of death; instead read one of his many biographies--I recommend the one by Linda Lee, his widow.
Buried at Lakeview Cemetery, Seattle.
If you with to pay your respects in person, Lake View Cemetery is at 1554 15th Avenue East, just north of Volunteer Park, in the Capitol Hill area east of downtown Seattle. After entering the cemetery, follow the road straight ahead towards the top of the hill. Then turn north from there and within a few feet you should find the gravesite of Bruce and his son Brandon just to your right (east) of the road. Gates are open from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
The Curse of the Dragon
Bruce Lee was perhaps the most perfected human being, spiritually and phsically. If this was so, why did he die so early? Some speculate that he worked himself too hard, other more supersticious people say that it was "The Curse of the Dragon". And even some speculate that he was just "hit in the head too many times." Here are some interesting facts about Bruce Lee's life. Read them, and see what you think happened to Bruce Lee . . .
Once when Bruce was young, he recalled:
A ghost appeared as a black shadow and Bruce told of being held down for several minutes, drenched in sweat by the time he was finally released. This is probably one of the few times Bruce had been physically defeated.
When Bruce's father died, at age 64, Bruce had a premonition that he would only live to be half his father's age. Sure enough, Bruce died when he was 32. Brandon Lee, Bruce's son, also died at a very young age. In fact, he died just three and a half months prior to his father's death. Brandon died when a prop gun fired a bullet; the same way that Bruce's character faked his death in Game of Death. Coincidence or Curse?
Some even go as far to link Bruce's death to Christ, yeah, Jesus Christ. Bruce died only one year younger than Christ, who crusified himself at the age of 33. Kareem-Abdul Jabbar, Bruce's student wore the number 33, Bruce's age when he died, throughout his basketball career.
A bad Feng Shui deflector, placed on the roof of Bruce's Cumberland Road home in Hong Kong is blown off the roof by heavy rain and winds. The deflector had been placed on the house to protect Bruce and family from bad Feng Shui; previous owners had all been plagued by financial disaster and it was believed that this was because of the incorrect positioning of the house. The deflector was to ward off evil spirits.
In Hong Kong, the mafia controled most of the famous actors, usually by force. When they confronted Bruce, Bruce obviously refused to work for the mafia. Some believe that the Chinese mafia might have arranged for Bruce's death.
Probably the most believable and probable story is the following:
Throughout Bruce's life, he was continually being challenged by other fighters. It was only natural for the Gung-fu legend to accept the challenge and kick some real ass. Although Bruce won all the fights he was involved in, he was probably hit numerous times in the head. Numerous blows to the head can in fact cause brain anyeurisms, the claimed "cause of death" from the autopsy.
During the filming of Enter the Dragon, Bruce fainted during a voice dubing session. That day the air conditioning was turned off, so as not to cause abnormal background noise in the recording. When some crew memebers went to check on Bruce, Bruce woke up and pretended that he was looking for his glasses that he dropped.
On July 20, 1973, Raymond and Bruce visit Betty Ting Pei at her apartment to discuss her role in Game of Death. That evening plans had been made for them all to meet George Lazenby over dinner and enlist him for a part. Bruce explains that he has a headache, takes a prescription pain killer offered by Betty, and lies down on her bed to rest prior to dinner. Bruce never woke up. The pain killer was believed to have caused an allergic reaction, which increased the brain aneurism.
Some tabloid reporters, wanting to find "dirt" on everyone, spread a rumor that Bruce and Betty Ting Pei were having an affair, and that Bruce died while having sex with Betty. For several years after Bruce's death, Betty refused to be interviewed. She thought it was best for her and Bruce's reputation, to stay out of the media. Years later, Betty goes on television and denies that Bruce and here were ever involved intimately. As with most mysteries, only the parties involved will know the truth.
Despite the rumors and proven causes of death, Bruce still remains the most brillant martial artist in the world. It is tragic that he died such a young death, but his short life was very rewarding. Bruce's acheivements will be noticed for years to come.