it's all in the stars....
Updated every month!
Want to know what to do and when you can do it? Have a look at our online monthly forecasts and see what's in store for you and your loved ones in the days ahead.
Capricorn (Dec 22nd - Jan 20th)
You are very prudent but you need to be a little less cautious about what you do and what you spend - especially when it comes to yourself. Sometimes you need to treat yourself to something special to make you feel good. Make sure that you don't let anyone take advantage of you when it comes to money even if it is close friends or family. In fact, your money worries could be over with an unexpected inheritance.
Aquarius (Jan 21st - Feb 18th)
You have been loyal and steadfast to the needs of your family but a situation has arisen which allows you to do something for yourself. However, you are hesitant as you realise that seizing this opportunity could lead to you becoming totally selfish. Be careful when considering which path to take, whilst remembering your responsibilities to your loved ones. However pressurised you may feel by the demands they make of you, their respect and support is of the utmost importance to you and they are your biggest strength, so be careful not to do anything hasty.
Pisces (Feb 19th - March 20th)
You may have the chance to seriously impress and charm your superiors but it requires taking the bull by the horns. You need to let your competitive and aggressive side take over for a while, then you can sit back and enjoy the successes that will follow. You should be aware however that by propelling yourself into a new world of work you may uncover opportunities for romantic encounters that were previously unseen. This is a good thing, but if you allow the same aggressive nature you used to achieve professional goals to spill over into your love life, you might find that these relationships suffer.
Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
You need to start trusting people more and stop looking at their negative points so much. If you carry on this way, you may soon find that those close to you will start drifting away from you. You will meet someone very soon who will be able to help you come to terms with recent events and even become a love interest if you let them. It's up to you whether you are prepared to let yourself go and fall in love again. Things will take a turn for the better - and you could meet the person of your dreams if you let them in. Financially, you will recieve a welcome cheque just when you have forgotten all about it.
Taurus (April 21st - May 21st)
Money problems may be getting you down. However all is not lost. Your love life seems to have taken on a new pace and is keeping you emotionally happy just when you need it the most. Although your love life is all good remember your friends and what they have done for you as well. Don't forget about them as you never know when you will need them. Make sure that your new found romance is not moving too fast for you.
Gemini (May 22nd - June 21st)
You have an innate ability to interpret the feelings and emotions of those around you but in the coming days you run the risk of neglecting others if you allow yourself to become too involved in your latest project. There is a strong possibility that your most recent crusade could begin dominating your personal life and consequently the person you might end shutting out, though not immediately apparent to you, will be your partner. At this point in your career you need to take an overview so that you can make sure that seizing the opportunities you have recently been presented with does not result in your domestic bliss being compromised.
Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
You are at a critical point in your life, during which you need to be able to confide in someone who understands you and who can promise you both confidentiality and good advice. There is no shame in needing support from one’s friends but you need to make sure that you do not chose to confide in a person who is likely to want to interfere or take over all together. By voicing your concerns and talking things through, you will not only lighten the burden but will find that things seem far less complicated. Before you are able to sort out the personal matters that are hovering over you, nothing else in your life will seem complete - so talk it out, formulate a plan of action and go to it!
Leo (July 23rd - August 23rd)
The coming few days are a time in which to gain allies by displaying your natural exuberance for life. This gains you support and credibility, which not only makes an impression on your working life but also on your love life. Those who are impressed by your generosity and vivacity have the potential to become life long friends or more. You have also been presented with an opportunity to take someone younger than yourself under your wing, and, should you make the most of this, you could find yourself reaping the benefits from the close relationship you will develop.
Virgo (August 24th - September 22nd)
Now that you have got over a lot of stress and work, take time out for yourself. Maybe its time to stop worrying so much about small things and start looking at what is good around you rather than what is bad. Try to turn every negative into a positive. Don't get self obsessed as you will start to alientate the people around you who do care for you. Things may feel like they are on a bit of a downer at the moment but it will pick up once you change your approach to events going on around you. Spend more time appreciating what is good in your life.
Libra (Sept 23rd - Oct 23rd)
Dilemmas are certainly not something you are a stranger to, but in the coming days you face perhaps one of the most difficult yet. You are afraid of getting hurt but actions that might prevent that from happening expose your loved ones to the threat you are trying to escape. It is in your nature to put those you care about first, and you do so without hesitation, but this only prolongs the problem and puts your own health and happiness at risk. You have been struggling to cope long enough to know that those who want to help you are unable to do so, so now you must resolve to help yourself.
Scorpio (Oct 24th - Nov 22nd)
Your ability to deal with sensitive issues is commendable considering that unpleasant memories are still at the back of your mind. Already you are beginning to rise above the obstacles that face you, and you have to persevere if you wish to overcome some of your worst fears. Disappointment is always something that has haunted you but the new found clarity in your life allows you to take control. You know what you want, you know what you have to do, and in resolving to achieve those goals no one can stand in your way. Be careful though to avoid one-sided romantic attractions which are sure to hurt you and might distract you from the task at hand. Take comfort instead in enjoying the things you know you are good at and before you know it love will be on the horizon for real.
Sagittarius (Nov 23rd - Dec 21st)
Positive changes are definately taking place for you especially with those at home. Although you are a very good judge of character and open minded you have to be a bit more careful with who you trust. You could be too optimistic and without knowing it let people take advantage of you. For those of you who are single, romance could be heading your way - a lot sooner than you expected and in the most unexpected of places.